Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Artist Canvas

Monday, March 28, 2011
Stylish Award

Here are the Stylish Blogger Award Rules:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post.
2. You share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 7 recently discovered new blogs and contact them to let them know they've been awarded. (Some of these may not be "New" blogs but I just love and respect their work).
Here Are 7 Things About Me:
1. I am married to my high school sweetheart and we have been married for 40 years. Unbelievable!!
2. We have 3 children, 2 boys and 1 girl and 4 grandsons with another grandchild on the way...loves of my life!!
3. I used to own a scrapbook store.
4. I don't like shopping, I like to know what I need and get in and get it and get out!! Unless of course it is a craft store, I can spend hours in them!! lol
5. My favorite show is Dancing with the Stars!!
6. I love going to the lake!! You could drop me off in the spring and come back and pick me up in the fall!! I'd love it!!
7. My favorite place to go and eat is Red Lobster, I love shrimp!!
Now for my SEVEN blog picks to honor with this award:
Lori Hassler - http://ibeenthinkinboutinkin.blogspot.com
Susan Kesselman - http://susank-nimblefingers.blogspot.com
Linda Ledbetter - http://studiol3.blogspot.com
Nancy Crissinger - http://whatsnextnancy.blogspot.com
Hels Sheridan - http://pinkleart.blogspot.com
Eileen Bellomo - http://artsaveslives-paperqueen.blogspot.com
Sherry Goodloe - http://gotart4u.blogspot.com
I hope you will check out these wonderful blogs and the amazing work these talented ladies do!
Hope to check in later this week.
Have a good one!!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Thank you everyone for the lovely comments, well wishes and prayers for my son!!
Have a good one!!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Memorabilia Box for CCC #35

I'm leaving Sun. for another trip, going to go see our son Shad & his family in Kansas, so excited to see them! Shad is in the Army and leaves for Afghanistan the first part of April, so it will be a bitter sweet visit. After all these years you'd think I would be used of it, but I hate it!! So the major worrying will begin again for another year!! Shad's little boy Kevin is 4 years old now, so it is going to be harder for him this time around!! Hey, on a happier note I found out I'm going to be a grandma again, our son Joey & his wife are going to have another baby this Sept. I have 4 grandsons now so I'm really hoping they have a girl, will she be spoiled or what!! lol
I have to pay more attention to my shopping, I ordered Tim's small Visual Artistry stamps and I already had them!! So how about a give away, just leave a comment and I will choose a random winner on Mon. 3/21/11 when I get back.

Have a good weekend everyone!!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Sewing Room Die Cut/Distress Stains
When we went on our scrapbooking weekend we stopped off at the scrapbooking store before we headed out (of course) as if we needed anymore product but it is always fun to have something new to work with! They had a couple of Tim's new die cuts in, Oh My Goodness I think I was actually shaking when I got his new Sewing Room die cut in my grubby little hands!! lol
I also had ordered the new Distress Stains and they came in the mail Thurs. so yesterday I finally had a chance to play with the die cut & stains. Love, love, love those stains, can't wait to try it on a bigger project, they will be awesome for that!!
The picture isn't the best but here is the tag I made. I used the die cut on grunge board, then cut just the dress part out of sticky back canvas. I used peeled paint distress stain for the background on the tag, and wild honey for the dress. I had to dress it up a little and used Tim's ribbon on the bottom of the dress, I used glossy accents on the button. I put twine around the spool piece for thread which was a little thick, will have to look for something thinner for the next one. I also stamped on the background with Tim's Visual Artistry small clear stamps, which are really cool! Absolutely love the Sewing Room die cut and the Distress Stains are to die for!! Lot's of fun!!

Have a good weekend everyone!!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Dimensional Collage Fragment
For this weeks challenge Dimensional Collage Fragment I made a banner, I have totally been addicted to banners lately!! I used Graphic 45 On the Boardwalk Collection, and used the big fragment so I could get a lot on there, just love Graphic 45 paper!! I'm still not sure about the blue flower on there, I might change it out we'll see. Now I'm off to play with some new Distress Stains I got in the mail yesterday!! Yippee!!
